Welcome to the website of Mrs. Uma Thakur
Mrs Uma Thakur is a renowned and experienced Ophthalmic surgeon. She is a fellow from Moorfields Eye Hospital, London where she specialised in Medical Retina and Cataract Surgery. Her clinical interests are Small Incision Cataract Surgery (Phako-emulsification), Medical Retina including,
– Age Related Macular Degeneration
– Diabetic Retinopathy
– Retinal Vascular diseases.
With over 20 years’ experience in Ophthalmology, she has performed over 2000 cataract surgeries with minimal complication rates.
She is actively involved in Diabetic Screening Program. She has worked at the University Hospital Cambridge, Worcester Royal Hospital and Royal United Hospital Bath as a Locum Consultant before taking this post in Salisbury.
To make a private appointment call 01722 435163 or visit the Referrals page.